Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lasting Relief for Neck Pain

This is a great remedy for neck pain that I read about in the October 2007 issue of Men's Health, one of my favorite magazines. The best part is that IT WORKS.

At night before heading to bed, do 5 to ten neck rolls in each direction.
Follow that with 5 to ten shoulder rolls in each direction.

When you get out of bed in the morning, do it again. It's really that simple!

When I feel pain coming on, I remember to do these two simple exercises and it really helps!

Another tip is Sombra. Before doing these exercises regularly, Joe and I tested various products and found the original Sombra cream to be the most effective. The roll-on form is very convenient, especially if you don't want your hands to smell minty fresh, but it isn't as effective as the cream. I'm sure the massaging action of applying the cream has a lot to do with it!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

What a difference ten minutes make!

Welcome, Friends!

I'm so happy to make your acquaintance!

Have you ever noticed how complicated simplicity has become? Whatever happened to Occam's Razor?

I'm amazed by how simple little changes can make such a difference in our lives! I look forward to showing you some of my favorite Ten Minute Solutions and I am looking forward to seeing what you have to share.
